About us


ZirobweAgaliawamu Agri-business Training Association (ZAABTA) is a higher level farmers organization  that was registered as a company limited by guarantee in  the year 2004.

ZAABTA is focused on Agri Business Training, Grain production and  Processing, Seed/ Stock  multiplication , Inputs and Outputs  Market  linkages. ZAABTA manages an integrated agricultural value chain for rice, soybeans, beans, maize grains and Horticulture with operations from procurement, bulking, cleaning,packaging, storage, and marketing   from smallholder farmers to profitable markets.

ZAABTA’s current membership stands at 4,321 registered smallholder farmers (153 farmer groups) in Zirobwe, Kikyusa, Kalagala, Katikamu, Kamira, Busukuma, Bamunanika Sub-Counties and Mukono, Kayunga, Wakiso,Nakasongola&Nakaseke Districts. The organisation’s offices are located in Zirobwe Town council, LuweroDisrict

ZAABTA  bridges  the gap by doing the  backward and  forward linkage  by assisting  small holder farmers accessAgricultural credit facilities from financial institutions to boost production, supporting in seed loaning through the seed bank project, training and assisting in the basic agronomic practices,training and supporting the post harvest handling and Agro-processing  and at the same time  help farmers access  profitable markets  for their  value added produce.


VISION:         A self sustaining  and strong farmers’ organization with out standing agri-business services in Uganda.

MISSION:     To up lift the living standards of members by providing agri-business services through capacity building and inputs and output linkages.


  • To build the institutional capacity of the associationand members groups.
  • To develop viable and suitable enterprises of the association and members to commercial levels.
  • To avail and disseminate agri-business related information to members.
  • To mobilize resources for sustainability.
  • To network with relevant partners.